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Statesboro Interfraternity Council Formal Recruitment

PO Box 8097 | 30460 | (912) 478-5185 | ifc-statesboro@georgiasouthern.edu | georgiasouthern.edu/fsl

Thanks for your interest in joining an Interfraternity Council (IFC) fraternity at Georgia Southern University – Statesboro Campus! Fraternities within the Interfraternity Council at Georgia Southern University have a formal recruitment process as well as informal, year-round recruitment which allows men to join organizations at any point throughout their experience at Georgia Southern.

GPA Requirement

The GPA to register for recruitment is a 2.75 or higher high school GPA, as calculated by the Georgia Southern University Office of Admissions. This GPA  is based on the Required High School Curriculum. This is NOT the final high school GPA listed on your transcript or your HOPE GPA. Before registering for recruitment, you can check your GPA using your online Admissions Status Check Page.

Current students with an established GPA may register for Primary Recruitment during their undergraduate collegiate career with a Georgia Southern GPA of 2.50 or higher based on at least 12 or more credits. Transfer students with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher based on at least 12 or more credits may also register for Primary Recruitment.  As you’re looking at your membership options, please keep in mind that some chapters may have higher GPA requirements for membership.

Before you start the registration process we encourage you to check your current GPA before you continue with the registration by clicking here. This is important because the registration fee is not refundable. If you are a first-time freshman and have any questions about your academic eligibility, you can contact Melanie McKnight, who serves as our Admission Liaison. Melanie can be reached via phone at (912) 478-1004 or via email at mmcknight@georgiasouthern.edu.

Additional Eligibility Information

Below are some additional pieces of information regarding eligibility:

  • East Georgia students are NOT eligible to join a fraternity or sorority.
  • Students enrolled in the EAGLE Academy are NOT eligible to join a fraternity or sorority.
  • Students enrolled in the Georgia Tech program at Georgia Southern ARE eligible to join a fraternity or sorority
  • Dual-enrollment students are NOT eligible to join a fraternity or sorority

Recruitment Schedule 

August 19 - 30, 2024

Information regarding this process will be available on our social media accounts @GSFSLife and @GSUIFC for resources and updates.